
The Opposition Press

The internet is not a Big Truck!!! It is a Series of Tubes!!! November 3, 2006

Filed under: idiots,internet,net neutrality,rant,senate,senator,Ted Stevens — clevermonkey @ 5:46 am

Laughter is said to be a result of our minds not being able to comprehend an illogical or terrifying juxtaposition.  Never has this been more aparent than in Senator Ted Stevens’ recent rant on, “the internets”.

Here is what we are facing in Washington when it comes to Net Neutrality, this comes directly from Senator Ted Stevens who is Senate President Pro Tempore, and is also Chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Full audio of this interview is available here.

There’s one company now you can sign up and you can get a movie delivered to your house daily by delivery service. Okay. And currently it comes to your house, it gets put in the mail box when you get home and you change your order but you pay for that, right.But this service is now going to go through the internet and what you do is you just go to a place on the internet and you order your movie and guess what you can order ten of them delivered to you and the delivery charge is free.

Ten of them streaming across that internet and what happens to your own personal internet?

I think the Senator is mistaking NetFlix for iTunes or something.

I just the other day got, an internet was sent by my staff at 10 o’clock in the morning on Friday and I just got it yesterday. Why?Because it got tangled up with all these things going on the internet commercially.

Umm, sounds like the guy who was working on your email server forgot to tell you it will be down for a few days.

So you want to talk about the consumer? Let’s talk about you and me. We use this internet to communicate and we aren’t using it for commercial purposes.We aren’t earning anything by going on that internet. Now I’m not saying you have to or you want to discriminate against those people.

Well some of us are earning as we go onto the internet, and when we’re not but that’s a completely different story.

The regulatory approach is wrong. Your approach is regulatory in the sense that it says “No one can charge anyone for massively invading this world of the internet”. No, I’m not finished. I want people to understand my position, I’m not going to take a lot of time.

Thanks, lord knows we’re confused enough as it is.

They want to deliver vast amounts of information over the internet. And again, the internet is not something you just dump something on. It’s not a truck.It’s a series of tubes. Source: 27B Stroke 6

Clearly he doesn’t have a clue what he is talking about, he’s just caught bits and pieces and is regurgitating the parts he remembers. Please, everyone Write a letter to your Senator and Sign the Petition to Congress for Internet Freedom.

Industry experts also say that any new law is likely to have provisions around what’s known as the Universal Service Fund, which requires telecom providers to pay into a fund that ensures rural and low-income areas get the same services as the rest of the country. The House bill does not address this, but the Senate version does. With universal service being a priority in Stevens’ home state of Alaska, the senator will no doubt be squabbling with House reps to get it into final legislation, if the bill gets that far this year.In reality, though, things like universal service are “a fly on the back of the elephant,” says the TIA’s Flanigan. The big issue remains Net neutrality. As Congress haggles over these issues in the coming weeks, the telcos hope Net neutrality doesn’t find life again. To keep it down, they’ll have to ward off lobbyists from the likes of Google and Yahoo, who want desperately to get it back on the agenda.

For now, the big phone companies have the upper hand, with Net neutrality headed toward its grave. But with so much debate left in Congress and so little time to reach agreement, the issue is still on life support. Source: BusinessWeek